I’m Hilary Walker Miller.
I have a Master’s in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. I’ve taught students from many countries and many language groups.
But I’m more than just a teacher.
I have a Master’s in City and Regional Planning from Harvard University. I spent eight years working as a Manager of Technical Communications in a private corporation. I understand business.
But more than that, I’m a happy, kind, and helpful person. I care about my students. I want to help you achieve your goals. And I want you to have fun doing it.
Need to take your English to the next level?
I can help with …
One-on-one personal help
Customized lessons made just for you
Face-to-face meetings online
Targeted focus on your problem areas, such as …
- Academic or business writing
- Vocabulary
- Pronunciation
- Conversational English
- Difficult grammar
- Test preparation
No grades
No stress
No pressure
Just a friendly teacher ready to help you
What My Students Say …

Hamad from Saudi Arabia
معلمتي الفاضله لقد كنت سبب في تعليمي اللغه الإنجليزيه. حقا لقد تعلمت الكثير بسببك
My excellent teacher is the reason I’ve been learning English so well. I’ve really learned a lot because of you.
Hilary Walker foi mais do que apenas uma professora para mim, ela foi uma amiga que mostrou como ver o mundo por uma visão diferente.
Hilary Walker was more than just a teacher to me, she was a friend that showed how to see the world by a different view.

Sidnel from Brazil

Liu Yang from China
亲爱的希拉里,感谢上帝让您成为我的老师. 在您成为我的老师之前,我甚至连一个完整的句子都写不出来,但你总是支持我鼓励我,让我的写作水平有了很大的提高,学到了很多. 是您让我享受这门课程. 谢谢你,我亲爱的老师!
Dear Hilary. Thank God make you be my teacher. Before I became your student, I even couldn’t write a whole sentence. But you always supported me. You taught me reading and writing and I learned a lot. Thank you for your help. You make me enjoy this course. Thank you my dear teacher !
الآنسة هيلاري من أفضل الأساتذة الذين قاموا بتدريس على الإطلاق. لقد تطورت مهاراتي في القراءة والكتابة في اللغة الانجليزية. أنا سعيد لأن الآنسة هيلاري أعطتني دروس في الإنجليزية
Ms. Hilary of the best professors who teach at all. I’ve developed my skills in reading and writing in the English language. I am glad that Ms. Hilary gave me lessons in English.

Yousuf from Oman

Liliana from Ecuador
Miss Hilary me proveía de las herramientas mas ùtiles para practicar mis habilidades. Como maestra, Ella siempre estuvo preocupada por mi desempeño y como aplicaba las estructuras y métodos en el idioma Inglés. Sus consejos y retroalimentaciones fueron muy útiles para mejorar mi habilidades en escritura y diálogo.
Miss Hilary provided me the most useful tools to practice my skills. As a teacher, she was always worried about my performance and about how I apply English structures and methods. Her feedback was really helpful for correcting my speech and writing
힐러리 선생님에 대해 말씀 드리자면, 학생들에 대하여 많은 애정과 관심을 갖고 계십니다. 예를 들자면, 자신의 테이블pc에 학생들의 정보를 저장하고 학생들의 성장을 꼼꼼하게 기록하십니다. 그리고 수업시간에 가르칠 자료를 잘 조직화하여 학생들의 수준에 맞게 효과적으로 잘 교수하여 대부분 학생들이 집중하게끔 지도하십니다. 제출한 과제물에 첨삭지도를 하여 완전학습이 되도록 가르칩니다. 또한, 질문을 하였을 때 세심하게 답변을 해 주어 잘 이해했다는 기억이 있습니다. 무엇보다 선생님의 인성이 훌륭하여 본받고 싶은 심정이 자연스럽게 일어나 그녀의 수업을 보다 집중하게 들었습니다. 지금도 그녀의 수업을 수강하고 싶고 같이 보다 나은 교수법에 대하여 연구하고 싶습니다.
In 2013, I took her class and she prepared her class perfectly and taught teaching contents well by using several examples. After teaching them, she gave me writing assignments, and to meet her expectations, I did my best to finish them. Submitting my assignments, she proofread my assignments and then I wrote down what she proofread on my notebook. Those teaching processes helped me improve my writing skill step by step. She also taught the American culture and told her students about her volunteering activities, such as donating her blood and raising money for charities. So she must be an icon of the American women.

Richard from South Korea

Silvia from Italy
Hilary e’ stata per me un’insegnante d’inglese professionale e ben preparata. Il suo metodo d’insegnamento mi e’ stato molto utile per migliorare le mie capacita’ comunicative nella lingua inglese. Ogni lezione con lei e’ un’occasione per imparare senza fatica grazie alla sua personalita’ gioiosa e saggia.
Miss Hilary has been to me a professional and well-prepared English teacher. I found her teaching method very helpful in improving my communication skills in English. Each class with her is an opportunity to learn with no effort because of her wise and joyful personality.
Ms.Hilary est une femme vraiment geniale. Grâce à son enseignement, aujourd’hui je suis à mésure de m’exprimer en Anglais.
Ms.Hilary is a great woman. Because of her, I am now able to speak English.

Joseph from Democratic Republic of Congo